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Carroll Bros. Used Cars


Carroll Brothers Used Cars


9160 Hwy 259 N.


Bee Spring, Kentucky 42207


270-286-4611 OR 270-246-0028


Carroll Brothers Used Cars specilizies in rebuilt cars and trucks at great saving. 

We specialize in used auto sales, collision repair, classic restorations, and more.
Always offering free estimates! Warranty available on most vehicles! Call or come by today!
Serving Edmonson and Surrounding County for 3 Generations Since 1967
Classic Vehicle Restorations ---- Collision Repair --- Used Cars 
Our Dealership is your #1 source for Quality Rebuilt low mileage Vehicels!!!
Call with any questions!
open M-F 7-4
On the Road call for appointment Visit Us at our website : www.carrollbrothersusedcars.com 
